Staff Directory

Sandie Vant Hof

Administrative Assistant/Event Coordinator (Sheldon Campus)

Jennifer Platter

Director of Children's Ministries (OC Campus)

Ty Van Koevering

Worship Coordinator (OC Campus)

Amanda Van Otterloo

Worship Coordinator (Sheldon Campus)

2024 Leadership at Living Water Community Church

Council-those tasked with leadership, vision, staffing, finances, and long-range planning.

 Gary Vande Vegte, Clerk – Admin Elder

Randy Brands, Clerk – Admin Elder

Ross Bootsma – Admin Elder

Rod De Boer, Secretary - Admin Elder

 Gary Hibma – Admin Deacon

Jay Schemper – Admin Deacon

Sean Schuller – Admin Deacon

Pastor Jesse
Care Elders-those tasked with walking alongside Living Water and members of the community.  Care Elders are called to pray for people, encourage and support.


Lauren Groeneweg

John Lambert

Jolene Mouw


Courtney Heronemus, Chair

Emily Andringa

Doug Bootsma

Cheri Bosman

Greg De Jong

Amy Groen

Kymlee Klynsma

Barb Stuit

Tres Ver Steeg

Pastor Jesse

Care Deacons (OC)-those given responsibility to meet tangible needs like financial resources and goods needed.

Erin De Jong, Chair

Melinda Bylsma

Allison Kroese

Children’s Ministries Coordinators:

Katie Henderson/ Kim Ferrell (SH)

MST (Ministry Support Team)-those listed as heads of the areas of ministries at LW


Outreach/Intern – Brent Stuit

Discipleship Coordinator – Ken Ver Steeg

Adult Ministry Coordinator (SH) - Cami Jo Howrey